VT Middle School Boys Basketball – Undefeated!
Boys Middle School Basketball, thanks to the excellent coaching of Carla Youngblood, had an undefeated season this year! Not only did they win an entire season – UNDEFEATED – they won each game by a landslide of more than 20 points. Ben Nicholas filled us in on the undefeated season’s victory.
“Our Middle School basketball season has come to a close. If you’ve not heard yet, our Middle School Boy’s team are district champions this year. They did it in a commanding fashion. We went undefeated throughout the entire regular season and then went undefeated onto the tournament, then on to win the district title,” explained Coach Nicholas.

He continued, “The incredible thing about the boys is that they did not win any game this season by any less than more than 20 points. So, on average, we were blowing teams out of the water by more than 20 points each game. Really really hard work put in all year long. I’m really proud of their accomplishment and congratulations to them and coach Youngblood for all they’ve done this season.”

What a truly awe-inspiring accomplishment. Congratulations to Coach Carla Youngblood and Middle School Boys Basketball for their outstanding achievements.
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