Admission Info
Village Tech Schools is a tuition-free, public charter school serving grades PK4-12th. The application, admissions, and enrollment processes are explained below. Please review carefully as each step is necessary for your child to be enrolled in Village Tech Schools. Also, you may review our FAQ page for additional information. If you have student-specific questions please email Abigail Diaz at adiaz@villagetechschools.org or Ariana Palos at apalos@villagetechschools.org.
The open-enrollment period for students to be placed in the lottery begins at 8:30AM on January 9, 2025 and ends at 11:59PM on February 13, 2025. Submit your online application to apply.
Admittance: Students will be admitted by lottery. When an opening becomes available for your child, you will be contacted via phone and email.
Note for PreK students: You will need to fill out the PreKindergarten Pre-Qualification form and submit it to our offices along with the application. Although the pre-qualification form is required, enrollment is contingent upon eligibility qualifications at the time of enrollment in the month prior to the beginning of the school year. You will be contacted by our Campus Director after submitting to determine eligibility for enrollment.
Frequently asked questions