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Mrs. Wickersham’s 8th grade science class is currently studying the different phases of the moon. Students were tasked with learning the different phases of the moon but Mrs. Wickersham took the learning outside of the box. She set up a table lamp, which represented the sun, and attached white golf balls onto small rods, representing the moon. She then had different students come up and represent the “earth”. As the students held the rod, or the moon, they rotated and the lamp cast different shadows on the golf ball which gave students a visual of what the phase actually looks like. As the students rotated around, you could see the phases  “click”  in their mind as they visually saw the way the phase is shaped as the earth rotates. Many students even came up a second time as they worked on their assignment in order to physically be able to portray the phase they were working to identify. Way to go Mrs. Wickersham and 8G!



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