Athletic Resources


Athletic Fees

  • Volleyball $100
  • Cross Country $100
  • Basketball $100
  • Soccer $100
  • Track & Field $100
  • Baseball $100
  • Softball $100
  • Cheerleading $100 (Plus Consumable Cheer Expenses)
  • Dance $100 (Plus Consumable Dance Expenses)
  • Chess $50

Pay Athletic Fees Online Here

Athletic Forms

Athletes and parents/guardians need to read, sign and submit our athletics forms, which can be found at the link below. Athletes must have both a completed physical (found further down on this page) and completed Rank One forms from the following link. Athletes who do not have completed forms and a completed physical turned in will neither be allowed to compete nor practice. Student-athlete safety is the top priority of Village Tech Athletics.

Several guides to completing the forms can be found here:

Physical Forms

Every student will need a complete, and up-to-date physical before competing in athletics. The physical must be completed by a medical professional. Athletes with incomplete or missing physicals will not be permitted to compete in any athletic practices, competitions, or events for Village Tech Schools. Physicals can be turned in to the front office or to sport-specific coaches only.

Athletic Handbook


No Pass, No Play

At Village Tech, we believe the student comes before the athlete in Student-Athlete. We hold our athletes to a higher standard at Village Tech and enforce a policy that ensures students are learning and growing in the classroom before the athletic field. While athletics can be many things, it is not the only thing.

Support VT Athletics:

Sponsor Uniforms

Sponsor a Team

If you would like to support athletics at Village Tech or would like more information, please email Ben Nicholas at