The Forge
is the center of learning where students create products that bring their classroom learning to life. Made up of five sections, the Forge connects students' current areas of study into the application to advance knowledge of the core subject and job readiness

- Rolling Wall Mounted Whiteboards
- Ceiling-Mounted Power Grid
- Moveable Tables & Stools
- Storage Shelves

Design Studios
- Epson Plotter & 3D Printer
- Trotec Laser Cutter
- Graphtec Vinyl Plotter & Cutter
- iMac Computers

Art Studios
- Sculpture, Mixed Media
- Paint, Chalk, Pastels
- Photographic Imagery, Print-making

Build Shop
- Hand Tools & Power Tools
- CNC Machine & Auto Lathe
- Table, Chop, Scroll, & Band Saws
- Drill Press & Grinder

Computer Labs
- iMac Computers
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Google Sketchup
- Lego Mindstorms & Robotics Kits