Village Tech students making speed masks

Why Village Tech?

Village Tech students KUT Above the Rest

Why Village Tech?

Dedicated to forging the potential of each child, Village Tech Schools engages students in the love of learning through intellectual curiosity in a caring, challenging environment to become effective decision makers and leaders of character.

Children have an innate love of learning and Village Tech Schools understands that good schools and teachers inspire lifetime learners.

Teachers who love teaching are more effective. You can teach basic skills without it, but to truly make a difference in a student’s life takes love. Research and experience prove that the quality of the teacher in the classroom is the single most important factor within a school’s control to improve student performance. Village Tech Schools teachers are valued professionals trained in how to develop students’ technical, academic, professional and social-emotional skills.

Village Tech Schools’ commitment to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community where all are recognized and valued is rooted in our organizational values.

Village Tech graduation

Fast Facts

Village Tech Schools is a public charter school in Southern Dallas serving 1,200 Pre-K to 12th grade students.

Village Tech was founded in 2013 by a group of passionate educators who saw a more effective way to teach by creating an active and immersive learning environment that empowers students to become creative, problem-solving leaders of character who are prepared to take on real world challenges.

Nearly 100% of Village Tech School students earn Texas’ Distinguished High School Diploma and 92% are college and military bound.

College Credit Opportunities. High School students at Village Tech Schools have an opportunity to obtain college credit through an accelerated instruction program. We have a culture of thinking beyond graduation. In eighth grade, we offer high school English 1 and high school Algebra I on a distinguished diploma track so when our students begin high school they can begin obtaining college credits.

are College or Military Bound
of Students earn diploma

Students, families, teachers and staff belong to our village.

Village Tech Schools’ smaller class sizes empower students, adults and peers to know one another, fostering an environment where students are seen, heard and valued as part of a trusting, supportive community. From this, our students experience a true sense of belonging – important cornerstones to their social-emotional development and mental well being.

Teachers who love teaching are more effective.

You can teach basic skills without it, but to truly make a difference in a student’s life takes love. Research and experience prove that the quality of the teacher in the classroom is the single most important factor within a school’s control to improve student performance. Village Tech Schools teachers are valued professionals trained in how to develop students’ technical, academic, professional and social-emotional skills.