Special Services

Special Education Services at VT

Through Special Program Services, Village Tech provides appropriate educational opportunities for students with disabilities. By individualizing services in accordance with each eligible student’s learning needs, students are prepared to pursue life-long learning, foster character, and become contributing members of the community.

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The goal of Village Tech Schools’ ESL Program is to enable students who are English Language Learners, identified by the state in reporting as ELLs, to become competent in listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Through the use of communicative and integrative methods of second language teaching, the program focuses on the mastery of English language skills. In addition, the program emphasizes mastery in the content areas of ELA, mathematics, science, and social studies. All content area teachers adhere to the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) in order to provide the necessary support to English Language Learners to acquire the specific content.

Village Tech Schools follow the state law TAC §89.1201, identify English Language Learners and provide them a full opportunity to participate in an ESL program, as required in the TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter B.

To ensure equal educational opportunity, as required in the TEC, §1.002(a):

  • Identify English Language Learners based on criteria established by the state;
  • Provide bilingual education/English as a Second Language programs, as integral parts of the regular program as described in the TEC, §4.002;
  • Seek certified teaching personnel to ensure that English Language Learners are afforded full opportunity to master the essential knowledge and skills required by the state; and
  • Assess achievement for essential knowledge and skills in accordance with the TEC, Chapter 39, to ensure accountability for English Language Learners and the schools that serve them.
Section 504
Special Education
Child Find

Special Program Services

In alliance with Village Tech Schools' mission, Special Program Services will:

  • Identify students with disabilities
  • Provide individualized and multi-faceted services
  • Support the development of skills, personal independence, self-determination, self-advocacy, and community participation

The Special Programs is made up of Dyslexia Services, ESL/BE, 504 and Special Education.

Texas Transition and Employment Guide

The Texas Transition and Employment Guide provides youth, young adults, parents and professionals with secondary transition resources to facilitate a young person’s progress towards post-secondary goals to education, employment, and community living. This guide will continually be updated.

For more information contact Amber Rhoden, Special Services Director, at arhoden@villagetechschools.org.

TEA Guides

TEA Texas Transition And Employment Guide

TEA Texas Transition And Employment Guide - SPANISH

In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 139 (SB 139), which requires Texas local education agencies (LEAs) to distribute the following notice to parents: